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E-commerce presents massive opportunities but it still requires the same degree of support as the more traditional methods of doing business. E-commerce applications need to interface with stock control systems in order to show the potential customer what is available and what is the lead-time on products which are not currently available. When taking orders it needs to update that same system. If payment is to be taken with the order, it must interface with online external banking applications with all the attendant security implications. If goods are to be delivered accurately and timely there must be an interface with  Logistics systems, the list is long. Therefore the need to test the complete business process becomes more important, as failure at any level will lead to degradation in customer service and a likely loss of the customer.

User Acceptance Testing is nothing new conceptually. The more successful enterprises have been doing it for years with their traditional IT applications. The techniques are different for web-based applications but the methodology remains the same. 

e-testQA uses the latest automated test execution tools and test management software within the context of the tried and tested methodology of the V-method. The V-method allows testing activities to commence at the requirements definition stage of development and provides an assurance of quality at all subsequent stages. Omissions and errors in key design documents are trapped and corrected before they become code which simply does not work at all or fails to deliver what is required.

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Last updated: 02/11/03.