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e-testQA provides specialist consulting services in the area of software testing, focusing on the implementation of industry standards and widely accepted best practice within the context of the client business.

All e-testQA consultants are experienced, hands-on practitioners who have many years testing experience which is built upon a solid background in software development.


e-testQA provides consultancy services which help both large and small business to deliver quality assured systems on time and within budget. We will tailor our services to your individual needs by adopting the most appropriate testing methodology to complement your established development process

Our consultancy services will help both large and small business, and will we will tailor our services to your individual needs.

Below is a selection of the services we can offer:-

bulletTest Scripts based on Requirements Analysis
bulletDefinition and Specification of Acceptance Criteria
bulletThird Party Systems Integration Test and User Acceptance Testing
bulletSystem Health Checks and Reviews
bulletTest Automation Tool Selection and Implementation
bulletTest Process Management Tool Selection and Implementation
bulletPerformance and Capacity Planning Reviews
bulletTest Data Management



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Last updated: 02/11/03.